Study Notes

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01/24/22 Takeaways

When I begin to understand that I am utterly incapable of understanding, I am beginning to understand.

  • 01/10/22 Takeaways
  • What God desires and what He wills are not the same
  • No Not one
  • We are all worthless like spoiled milk
  • the law and the prophets = the old testament
  • Love your neighbor means wanting good for them
  • Pride is the mother of sin
  • The ground at the foot of the cross is level until you walk off the cliff
  • I don’t love them but I can want good for them
  • Faith is a process not an event
  • There is a lot of guilt in every religion
  • We just cannot do this on our own
  • You ain’t righteous unless God makes you righteous
  • double imputation
  • Man cannot do this without Jesus
  • They can be saved by Christ at any point
  • If you do like Christ, you start thinking like Him
  • I’m here to hear the pearls of wisdom
  • I’m a worthless curdled stank
  • I’m praying for those who murdered my child. It isn’t easy but it’s what Jesus tells us to do
  • I don’t understand what God means to love my neighbor as myself, but I know to trust Him
  • I am not righteous. I have no control over it
  • 12/13/21 TAKEAWAYS
  • In 4000 years God has not allowed His scriptures to be defiled
  • No one is righteous. No one understands. No one seeks God.
  • We have the only God who has wounds
  • We make God a liar when we say we don’t sin
  • the Gospel offends anyone who doesn’t already believe
  • We don’t believe we cannot save ourselves
  • He who forgives little, loves little
  • Understand salvation is demonstrated by our actions
  • My sins are darker when I compare them to God’s purity
  • The fear of God is reverent awe for Him.
  • We no longer live in fear of God’s wrath
  • I am like all the seven churches in Revelation
  • The complete scripture is so much better
  • Pr 1:7,  Pr 9:10,  Ps 52
  • He wants me to be right but I’m so totally wrong
  • We are judged by our works, not saved by them
  • I leave with more questions than I came with
  • Memorize Ps 1
  • Jan 10th – next Bible study
  • 12/06/2021 Takeaways
  • No one is righteous
  • We are All morally bankrupt
  • You would not be saved unless God wants you saved
  • 300+ quotations from the old testament are in the new testament
  • Baptism is the affirmation of your commitment to repentance
  • We are either under sin or under grace
  • I am comforted when the world gets worse
  • The Jew understands scripture but doesn’t understand Jesus is the messiah
  • We have not been saved from our sin, we have been saved from God’s wrath
  • Jesus rising from the dead is God accepting Jesus taking our sin
  • I have learned a few things tonight
  • Humans without God are incapable of good
  • I cannot do this, I need help
  • Ps 50:15 Call upon me the in the day of trouble and I will glorify you
  • Jesus came into time to save us
  • The new covenant is better than the old Gal 4:4
  • Every time I turn on the TV I am experiencing what God experiences and it is disgusting
  • One God, god of all, accept His grace
  • God has blinded the unbelievers, We all fall shot
  • 11/29/2021 Takeaways
  • God’s promises will never change
  • God is never wrong
  • Stop taking the Lord’s name in vain
  • My sin cannot glorify God
  • I don’t have a problem with God, I have a problem with people
  • People try to trip you up when you give the gospel
  • God is faithful and always righteous
  • You cannot sin to glorify God
  • If it glorifies me, it ain’t glorifying God
  • Swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath James 1:19
  • if I don’t understand, ask questions
  • God cannot be unfaithful
  • God gave us what we cannot do – He does it for us
  • The law is an outflow of who you are
  • Jesus came to save everyone and fulfilled the prophecy of the Messiah
  • Isaiah 256 Salvation is for All people
  • God’s faithfulness is unquestionable and unconditional
  • God doesn’t need us for anything but we need him for everything
  • God is God. God knows what is going on
  • I rely on God and prayer
  • I can explain it to you. I cannot understand it for you
  • The Holy Spirit, who authored the book taught at Seminary, will empower anyone to share His Word
  • 11/01/2021 TAKEAWAYS
  • I am unqualified to judge God. I am qualified to trust Him
  • You can be led astray, easily
  • The answers in the Bible are black and white
  • New Testament is latent in the OT. The OT is patent in the NT
  • standing on thousands of promises of God
  • God never breaks his promises
  • God is never wrong. There is peace in these four words
  • It is refreshing to open the Bible and see truth
  • It’s a good thing God is faithful, when I think I am good I’m not
  • The Bible is the oldest book. His preservation is proof
  • It is important to know the story behind the promises of God
  • Some people believe they are qualified to judge God. They cannot trust him
  • My power is made perfect in weakness. My grace is sufficient for you
  • The lord your God is a merciful God
  • There is not a contradiction in the entire book
  • 10/25/2021 Takeaways
  • Man tries to make God bend the knee
  • America is seeing a famine from God’s Word
  • I am supposed to live like I’m the chosen child of God
  • I am made in the Image of God. I should prove it
  • We are rewriting history because our morals have gone to hell
  • Conform your life to God’s Word and not the Word to your life
  • it is ok. It always was and it always will be
  • The feelings of ecstasy and peace do not exist this side of heaven.
  • I’m thankful God is not done with me yet
  • I am grateful for the oracles of God and want to keep learning
  • Memorize scripture because it is the word of God
  • Rejoice that your name is written in Heaven
  • We hate conviction
  • Home work: What are some of the promises of God
  • 10/18/2021 Takeaways
  • God does not help those who help themselves
  • Go to God seeking mercy, forgiveness, and salvation
  • God has blinded the mind of unbelievers
  • It is a privilege to have God’s word
  • Being raised by Christian parents doesn’t save me
  • Oracles of God = God plus nothing
  • SELECT God + Null as Oracles from Word
  • The interwebs is a golden opportunity for satan
  • Why did God wait so long to reveal Himself to me?
  • We cannot measure God
  • How can these people not know?
  • We are all God’s children…actually Scripture debunks this.
  • God came to speak to me with his word and I ignored it
  • What advantage do I have if I ignore it?
  • 9/27/21 Takeaways
  • You can destroy your testimony by the way you act
  • Job did not curse God
  • People should read the Bible and decide. Don’t reject God because of me.
  • He gives us the desire to know Him.
  • It is easy to good around other Christians. It is harder when no one is looking
  • We are human beings trying to set a good example
  • The Jew in Rom 2 misses the Holy Spirit to give discernment
  • We are perfected on the other side, not this side
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to give the words to say
  • The people who see God’s power in me knew me 15 years ago
  • Circumcision, like other things, is not a choice
  • Your prayers are working. Keep the prayers up
  • Reading different Scripture makes me feel stronger
  • 9/13/2021 Takeaways
  • Jesus Christ will judge us – He lived our lives
  • It is important to study Scripture with the Holy Spirit
  • Repent: change mind; change heart; act on the change
  • You cannot reason the unsaved into heaven
  • Jn 4:14 Nothing in this world can touch me
  • I was in a bad place – I deserted God. I’m glad I heard God’s word
  • See the world through the lens of scripture
  • People are watching us
  • Be good, don’t be good at it
  • Now I know my discrepancies in my Christian walk
  • How do you act when times are bad?
  • Just believe what God says.  Believe the truth
  • Maybe there is something to this Bible study
  • It is not about being perfect. It is recognizing our sin and repenting
  • Except you be born again, you cannot enter heaven
  • In our sinful state we are in, can man love the lord with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind?
  • Repent and turn to God
  • If God will give me another day, I will seek him
  • If you have God in your heart, I know I cannot do it alone
  • I’ve grown a lot through hard times
  • 7/26/21 Takeaways
  • It is not enough to read the Bible, you have to absorb and apply it
  • The jew is not transformed by the law
  • When you read Scripture, it reads you
  • Scripture convicts me
  • God shows no partiality
  • Remember we are not perfected yet
  • The Holy Spirit shows up no matter how horribly we sin
  • I boast in God when I get the chance
  • Rev 6:14
  • The Word of God is a mirror to me. It shines a light on who I am
  • We haven’t learned a thing in 6000 years
  • God replaced our heart of stone with a heart of flesh
  • If I’m worshipping God I cannot act in the world
  • 7/19/2021 Takeaways
  • We are not saved by our actions but by faith
  • God the Father put Jesus on the cross
  • Thou shall not judge … sometimes
  • We are all sinners. I’m one of them
  • Reading the Word puts together the puzzle slowly
  • You cannot make someone believe but Jesus can
  • Every religion chases heaven but misses the key point
  • Our side of the scales will be found lacking then Jesus puts out His hand and balances the scales.
  • He sent his son to show us someone could live without sin
  • Jesus is our judge, not the Father because He can understand
  • God created the day he flipped the switch in my life
  • We are without excuse just like everyone
  • If we do everything perfectly without honoring God, it is all pointless.
  • Ask yourself “Am I glorifying God?”
  • Only Because of Jesus, I will not be found wanting
  • 7/12/2021 Takeaways
  • I am judged according to my sin
  • We are judged based on our own judgement of others
  • Impartial is not equivalency
  • I am judged on what I know, not what Craig knows
  • If it is in Romans, it is good stuff
  • Talking to unbelievers is heartbreaking
  • She is the one who knows God’s wrath
  • Look in my own heart before I judge others
  • It bothered me so much, it changed my life
  • Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
  • The Holy Spirit is not my conscience
  • I listen now when the Holy Spirit says something
  • Ariel means victorious under God
  • Do I reflect His spirit when I talk to someone who has evil thoughts for me
  • 6/21/21 Takeaways
  • My works will be judged by Christ himself
  • The more I learn, the higher my responsibility
  • Persistence is the key
  • Feeding on the word keeps you strong
  • You might be doomed to hell if you teach the wrong things
  • He does more for me than I could ever do for myself
  • Pray for the salvation of both sides in the middle east
  • It is a blessing to see a young Christian grow
  • I spent lot of good time studying
  • The world has the wrong view of the church
  • if we ask for guidance from God, we will get it
  • Jews and Christians worship the same God
  • God put Jerry in hospice to scare the hell out of him
  • We are children of God. We all have things in common
  • Cause Jesus! Just barely
  • 6/14/21 Takeaways
  • This is the place you really do belong
  • Read the Word, wake up tomorrow feeling so much better
  • God wants us to turn to Him
  • God is happy when we choose to do His glory
  • the Word is absolute truth but the world says it is not
  • It is possible to sin through omission by tolerating sin, silently
  • We do not have the right to hate
  • Avoid such people
  • It is good to let the Holy Spirit run the show
  • God shows me what I need to know
  • Faith leads to works
  • So many people are in need of prayer
  • it is kinda cool to see prayer work
  • Our greatest witness is people watching us and we don’t know
  • 6/7/21 Takeaways
  • We are judged by our works We are not saved by them
  • There are no contradictions in any of scripture
  • You cannot give your salvation away
  • A rut is a grave with both ends kicked out
  • We must use our gifts to increase the kingdom.  Use it or lose it!
  • Hiding your salvation is a sure way to lose it – Arminian
  • Our salvation is about our relationship with Jesus
  • Without a relationship with Jesus, there is nothing
  • Now I can work on who I am… a sinner
  • When you have a good relationship with someone, doing something for them is not a struggle
  • Those who watch me take up my cross daily, get God’s message
  • The great problem solver is there with all the time
  • We all have gifts to use for God’s glory
  • The midnight cry when Jesus comes again
  • I just plant the seed, God gives the increase
  • Let Him use you too
  • I am a witness every time I share what I learned
  • The need I have to understand and the Word is overwhelming
  • 5/24/21 Takeaways
  • Man will never run out of ways to twist the Bible to his wants
  • Satan took Scripture out of context when tempting Jesus
  • So many Christians believe in God but don’t believe God
  • You cannot go backwards with salvation
  • Backsliding means you are saved but enticed by sin
  • Verses out of context are interesting
  • 1 Peter 3.15 is evangelism 101.  Gentleness and respect
  • Words are powerful deception is alive and well
  • Pray for wisdom to know what to believe
  • The switch flipped on
  • I love every one of you
  • It sure as hell ain’t gonna be eggs
  • It is so nice to share our opinions and beliefs
  • You cannot get the bible without the Holy Spirit
  • Homework : What 3 verses did satan take out of context when tempting Christ? How did Christ respond?
  • TAKEAWAYS 5/17/21
  • Good works glorify God
  • Deathbed conversions are a gamble
  • Tell them about the lord stand back and let Him do the rest
  • I want my hug from Jesus
  • Bible is Truth. Stand firm no matter the consequences
  • Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
  • Some sow and some reap and a lot happens in-between
  • I am amazed at the joy of seeing a baby Christian
  • Studying his word is a joy
  • Being together to study his word fills my hot and soul
  • The lowly woman brought the town to repentance
  • God calls us to have a relationship with him first, then we repent
  • The only thing that never changes is God
  • When 2 or more are gathered and someone speaks, this brings the color
  • The still, small voice is getting louder and louder
  • We are like lightning bugs
  • 5/10/21 Takeaways
  • If you stomp the gospel fire, you spread it
  • Works are the outpouring of our salvation
  • Africans are doomed to hell if we don’t give them the cross
  • We should seek incorruptibility
  • Pray for everyone
  • What we pursue makes it worthwhile
  • We work because we are saved, not to be saved
  • Thank God we live in a country founded on biblical principles
  • Perseverance and longsuffering are rewards
  • The more we obey Him, the more he leads our lives
  • I am grateful to be here
  • The Jews are held to higher standard – First the Jews, then Greeks
  • I’m at peace with God’s plan for our country
  • Faith without doing God’s works is dead
  • Keep It Simple Stupid
  • God expects more from Christians. To whom much is given much is expected
  • We judged individually. We are not judged by what they are doing
  • Always pursue the honor and glory that is His
  • Takeaways 5/3/21
  • Every other thought I have is a sin because I’m not thinking about God
  • We don’t need the devil to lead us to sin
  • I sin every bit every bit as much as the unsaved, yet I repent
  • He allows man to reap the consequences of his false attitude toward God
  • Everyone not in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire
  • God’s eye is impenetrable. He makes a list of what you do
  • Judgement is scary stuff
  • We should not be afraid of the end times
  • There will be a day when you’ll be accountable for every word, thought and deed
  • Fear of the Lord keeps me on the right path
  • Repent doesn’t mean “I’m sorry”. You have to turn away
  • The most miserable person in the world is the Christian who persists in his sin
  • The Holy Spirit never stops convicting
  • When there is no way out, look up
  • Repentance means turn from sin and turn to Christ
  • I love the Bible because it speaks truth
  • There is a day of judgement God created
  • Sin was fun before I was saved. Now it is miserable
  • God is waiting for everyone in the world to repent
  • The saved and unsaved are both sinners but the saved are held to a higher standard
  • God holds us to a higher standard because you know more
  • Invite the Holy Spirit in every day
  • You cannot have a mind full of the Word with a body full of sin
  • I found peace in this room with these people
  • Although I feel lonely right now, I’m not alone
  • 4/12/2021 Takeaways
  • God is big and amazing I cannot comprehend Him
  • I get awestruck by God’s immenseness
  • Job took a long time to know his relationship with God
  • I thought I was done with repentance but I’m not
  • Don’t need repentance if not for rebellion
  • My ideal self changes
  • Repent or you will surely perish
  • This helped me understand repentance
  • Repentance vs regret
  • Focus on your own sin, examine your own heart
  • Let the headlines remind You who you are
  • God’s patience and long suffering will eventually come to end
  • Without repentance, there is no way you can accept Christ
  • It is so peaceful to share the bible
  • Think-change-act
  • there is a whole lot of power in the word “unless”
  • I’m not going to judge anymore
  • I cannot get angry at the world. This is precisely what God planned.
  • Repentance is rethinking my relationships to God
  • Blessings me from God, tragedy is not
  • All you have to do is rethink it
  • My humanity gets in God’s way
  • 04/05/21 takeaways
  • Patience, Patience Patience, and love, love, love
  • God desires but he doesn’t will
  • if God wasn’t patient, He would have wiped out Adam and Eve
  • I am Hearing truth in bible study I didn’t hear in Sunday school
  • Haq 2:6 For thus says the Lord of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. 7 And I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts.God is giving us the chance to know Him
  • Revival – Holy spirit convicts and leads to repentance
  • Repentance is one of the most important words in the entire bible
  • I’ve never understood God’s patience – He has patience for everyone
  • He is a God of order. Chaos is from satan
  • The Trinity doesn’t live in time and Space
  • Salvation is not a reward for the righteous
  • Lessons here are eye opening and heart opening
  • Many who think they are saved are not
  • Monday night helps prepare us to evangelize God’s word
  • We sin without knowing it. The Holy Spirit shows us what we did before
  • Plant the seed then let it go
  • I’m getting convicted more and it brings me closer to God
  • We are chosen to show others the way to God
  • My child is paying the penalty because I spoiled him
  • I spent time in the world and came back wrecked
  • Protect your time with the Lord
  • We are all dying from deadly disease of sin. Our savior has given us the cure. We should share it
  • People will hear what we are saying and be convicted
  • The most miserable person in the world is a Christian living in sin
  • 3/22/21 Takeaways
  • God made laws people could do what is right. Now the laws neglect God’s laws
  • My job is to glorify God
  • The church is living within us.  We are the church
  • God gave them up
  • We are seeing the Bible revealed before our eyes
  • We have the undercover word
  • Jesus loved us so much He paid the price
  • We are living in a time prophesy is fulfilled
  • God keeps no record of wrong for his people
  • I continue to hear things my Grandmother said
  • If you sinned, you will for it … eventually
  • We continually take advantage of God who loves us
  • The end is coming. We keep getting more chances
  • God will show you the way to go
  • None of you can do it without God
  • Praise God for His healing
  • 10 out of 10 Times God answered your prayer
  • Parents reprimand you for a reason.  Thank you
  • God gave us the law because he wants good for us
  • God’s word is sharper than any two edged sword
  • 15 Mar 2021 – Takeaways
  • The blood of Christ is the ONLY way to escape God’s judgement
  • Heb 9:27 Man dies once
  • It is God’s goodness, longsuffering, and forbearance that leads us to repent
  • Big difference between what God desires and what God wills
  • Sin blinds us
  • God makes it rain on non-believers to feed the believers
  • God’s patience is counter intuitive
  • God is caring, loving, and slow to anger
  • The patience God has is remarkable
  • It all belongs to God. We own nothing
  • God never sleeps, but Jesus takes naps
  • God cuts us slack for knowing the truth
  • We should all be on our knees praising his grace and mercy
  • Here – presence of God, There – the world
  • New grace every morning to start our day
  • Grateful for God’s word, the eyes to see his glory, his long suffering, and forbearance is continuing
  • He’s waiting for people to repent. It hasn’t gotten bad enough
  • A baby’s highest clotting factor is 8 days old. God knew but it took science 3800 years to learn it
  • God can be pleased with us but also furious
  • Grandmother was a servant of God
  • Scoffers will scoff
  • Jesus held all our sins on the cross in a longsuffering way
  • Kneel at the cross and repent
  • 08 Mar 2021 – Takeaways
  • My way is not Yahweh
  • Desire came from him wanting you to know Him
  • To know the Truth we must read the word of God
  • Just because God doesn’t punish right away, He will get to you eventually
  • Our belief gives us freedom to express our thoughts
  • He has mercy but there is a point where mercy ends and judgement begins
  • Jesus is who he said He was
  • You gotta know the Book
  • Lost folks don’t understand the concept of saved
  • The way you behave and act speaks volumes about our Savior
  • People around us are lost and need to hear the Gospel
  • Discipleship should be exponential
  • Bible study makes me want to find out more
  • He is outside of time and space
  • I’ve been in a funk. God is convicting me
  • God’s grace is mind blowing
  • You don’t read it once and say “I got this”
  • Hebrews 4:12 – For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart
  • Good is patient for us to repent
  • When I do bad, my Father corrects because He loves me
  • God gives us time to repent
  • When I get sick of the pattern repeating, then I repent
  • Be so intimate with God we no longer want to sin
  • I cry because I feel I am not worthy of God’s mercy
  • Jesus bears the wrath of God for us
  • We forget He is pursuing us
  • Ps 23 – God’s goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life
  • It’s a kind Lord that leads to repentance
  • 01 Mar 2021 Takeaways
  • We are to trust and obey
  • Every sin requires punishment
  • Don’t Matter. I’m fixin’ to do God’s will.
  • God values obedience over sacrifice
  • God is like huge camera looking at your heart
  • Sin creates downward spiral seeking God the converse
  • Seeking God is a better spiral.
  • There is a life after this
  • Pray for Al. It is up to God, not us
  • Salvation belongs to the Lord
  • You cannot barter yourself into heaven
  • We cannot hide from God
  • Reverse the downward spiral
  • God knows our mistakes before we make them
  • There is nothing you can do to earn your salvation
  • Spiral down to dark, spiral up to light
  • The only way to go is with Christ
  • All our secrets will be exposed
  • Don’t matter. Trust God, Obey God, Praise God
  • I am like a goldfish in a bowl. This is comforting and liberating
  • We are 2 saved souls living in a fish bowl
  • That is not your story
  • God says “I have a purpose for just you”
  • 22 Feb 2021 Takeaways
  • God will do the fighting, we shall be silent
  • God gave us a lot of promises but we still break his commandments
  • The law condemns us and forces us toward Jesus
  • If you are thinking about God, you cannot thing about Evil
  • Come to me if you are heavy laden, and I will give you rest
  • The world cannot comprehend the term “saved”
  • If you have an opportunity to share the Lord, take it!
  • Blessings are the Lord’s to give. They are not material things
  • All blessing point to the glory of God
  • The door opened
  • Spread the word in tiny bits
  • The more I sin, the dirtier it gets
  • Ps 3:8 Salvation belongs to the Lord
  • 15 Feb 2021 Takeaways
  • I think, therefore I sin
  • There are so many things God abhors
  • We need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance
  • These bible study classes help us understand this more
  • Antinomianism – many call themselves Christians but don’t act it
  • No one here says “believe it because I said so”
  • We are growing with each other, learning God’s word. What will we do with it?
  • We contact a lot of lost people every day. Tell them about Jesus!
  • The Bible is the absolute truth
  • God provided a place for us to learn his Word
  • It is our job to tell them about Jesus
  • There are different types of judging. God’s law, civil law, criminal law, and your opinion
  • We are here because we made a judgement about other churches
  • I was blind to my own sins
  • God judges fairly and I’m not qualified
  • Even though you are saved, you will still be judged
  • I’m good when I stay in the Word
  • Read da Word, Do da Word!
  • Replace MSM, sports, gossip, etc., with the Word
  • Takeaways
  • We need to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance
  • We, as Christians, are not allowed to have prejudices
  • If they are your people, they are mine too
  • God gave them up… is a terrible place to be
  • There is a lot of judgement in this world today
  • Leave religion out of it. Judge a person by how he acts
  • I am thankful the Messiah came for everyone
  • I’m getting better because I’m more aware
  • God’s working on me when I allow Him to work on me
  • Grateful I’ve been saved by Jesus
  • Judging has to stop with me
  • Cherry picking the Bible drives me up a wall because I used to do it a lot
  • Don’t compromise on the absolutes
  • Judge not lest you be judge is the world’s excuse for anything goes
  • Lay down your straight rod for comparison
  • Thank God Jesus came to save everybody
  • The reality is I am a wretched sinner
  • Everything we do is to love and honor God
  • Takeaways 01 Feb 2021
  • God is refining us through trials – forming us in the image of Jesus Christ
  • Golden chain: foreknew->predestined->called->Justified->sanctified->glorified
  • In order to be found, she had to be lost
  • You don’t know you don’t know – it is important to evangelize
  • I was deep in the hole and he pulled me out. Thank you God!
  • This world is passing away. You have a hole God watching over you
  • Degradation of society blows my mind
  • We live in a sinful world and we must keep praying for the unsaved people to realize the truth
  • God still loves us
  • It breaks my heart that all people aren’t going where we are going
  • We tested God and found him unworthy – the are the lost
  • God refines us until he sees an image of himself
  • Mother was spiritual and practical. She lived the religion but didn’t talk about it
  • Today we don’t really know poverty
  • God will get him for that tone
  • We follow Jesus. Who is President doesn’t matter
  • God gave me a new pair of glasses to see Him
  • God’s way is not always my way
  • Jesus did this for ME!
  • We live in fascinating times and see prophecy fulfilled
  • Joyful sorrow
  • TAKEAWAYS 1/25/2021
  • They suppress the truth because they love their sin
  • Everyone gets general revelation. Specific revelation comes through the Holy Spirit
  • We submit to God so he puts the Holy Spirit in us
  • Once you accept Jesus as your savior, you have the Holy Spirit and nothing can take that away
  • Every day we get a new beginning
  • I am grateful for the opportunity to grow in the spirit
  • We always have the kingdom at our fingertips
  • It is like a spiritual hug – holy mackerel
  • Glad Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament
  • We live in times we are seeing many things fulfilled
  • He is going to judge this country
  • Never go to bed angry. Ask God to care for the one who angered you
  • Put sticker on the window
  • The Holy Spirit flips the switch enabling us to “get it”
  • TAKEAWAYS 1/18/2021
  • Focus on what God has done for me, not what he hasn’t done for others
  • We ALL need Jesus
  • I just Love what we did tonight. Sharing the beauty of scripture
  • He walks with me and He talks with me
  • God is powerful. Some refuse to see His goodness
  • The Lord never changes. Th Old Testament points to Jesus
  • Every word in the Bible is true.
  • We can take Gods majesty and power for granted
  • I pity people who refuse to believe
  • What more evidence do you need to know there is God
  • It is amazing to see his power
  • I am in awe of God’s creation
  • People who don’t know God are missing so much
  • I thought I was too dirty for God
  • I love watching God’s creations
  • Job confessed his idea of God was too small
  • Sin, repent, sin, repent, repeat
  • I came in as a wild woman and left with God’s grace
  • I came here to get  refresher course in God’s grace
  • Godliness comes first, then righteousness
  • There is no morality without God
  • We cannot have real relationships without Godliness
  • How much am I acting Godlike
  • The answer is always in scripture
  • Now I have a better understanding of God’s wrath – hatred of sin
  • I am a difficult person. I turn to scripture to deal with myself
  • Some religions worship the person on the pulpit and ignore God
  • You can strive for  Godliness and have some righteousness
  • My only path to salvation is through Christ
  • What Would Jesus Do?
  • I really don’t like ’em, but I love ’em
  • God is the special sauce in the recipe for salvation
  • Christ is the only one way out of God’s wrath
  • The Old Testament is a roadmap to Jesus Christ – a biblical GPS
  • The wrath of God abides on children of disobedience
  • There are penalties for sin
  • Thank God for Jesus taking on God’s wrath
  • Prayer works!
  • The Bible has no contradictions or mistakes
  • We sin 640 trillion times per second.  Jesus has borne all of this
  • Moody handbook of Messianic Prophecy is a great reference.
  • 11/09/2020
  • The symmetry and balance of scripture is God
  • Jesus is the only one that could do it! His love is tremendous
  • I love how the verses go back and forth
  • Jesus is all through the Bible
  • The NT is latent in the OT. The OT is patent in the NT
  • A spiritual life is better than a Vaccine
  • Faith is not believeism
  • Jesus Christ is the Angel of the Lord
  • The world use faith when hope is a better world
  • The message of salvation is so important to God, it is in every book of the Bible
  • God is giving the people what they want
  • We each find our own way. I have Jesus with me all the time
  • This book is God’s plan for salvation
  • Be excited your name is written in heaven
  • This Bible study is where build our faith
  • Ps 117 Praise the Lord all you nations; extol him, all you peoples.  For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever
  • 11/02/2020
  • I cannot work myself into heaven
  • Everything we have was given to us
  • there is no reason to be ashamed of God’s plan
  • We are righteous because of the Gospel
  • Jesus is the only truth there is. The only truth there ever will be
  • There is no salvation without His resurrection
  • I am thankful I can understand the Gospel
  • It takes people who know the Word of God to help others know the Word of God
  • The Word of God is always becoming clearer
  • All that matters is the Gospel
  • Progressive Revelation — More is revealed as time goes on
  • A man is Justified by faith apart from works of the law
  • We walk by faith, not by sight
  • We are constantly reminded we are not saved by works
  • Double Imputation
  • It is awesome He gave me His righteousness
  • Our faith keeps us from being ashamed of the gospel
  • We appear crazy because of our beliefs
  • Heb 11:1 –  Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen
  • Prayer doesn’t change God’s mind, It changes mine (heart and mind)
  • Prayer is Immediate
  • It is all predestined and has nothing to do with me
  • Learning scriptures makes you hungry for more
  • Religion says do. Christianity says done!
  • I have seen the power of prayer
  • His will be done
  • I am overwhelmed by His grace and mercy
  • Salvation is a gift from God. I didn’t ask God to give me anything, I only asked Him to take it away
  • What difference would it made it 10, 100, 1000 people pray at the same time?
  • Does God hear me? I guess so and I thank God for big things and small things
  • There is power in numbers
  • Talking to the creator of the universe is the most powerful thing we can do, ever!
  • Our salvation is about the promise God made to Adam and Eve
  • while(0) { As you continue your walk, you realize how bad you really are; }
  • 19 Oct 2020
  • Christ’s blood is the most important gift in the universe
  • I’m here! I don’t want to be anywhere else
  • Thank you to God, I can reconcile to my heavenly Father through Jesus
  • We continue to grow in the faith
  • Before the fall, Adam and Eve knew no sin. Beautiful, peaceful, fellowship with God is what they know. We look forward to this.
  • Imagine having the garden of Eden then losing it
  • Jesus is complete in everything. Looking forward to sitting with lions and tigers
  • I’m saved yet I’m still a sinner. I’m growing every day
  • Salvation is once and for all. God would rather pardon us than judge us
  • Reconciliation and Restoration for Lacie
  • Forgive and restore God’s way, not my way, you can have peace
  • We are born into sin with free will. It amazes me how much God pursues us
  • Salvation and restoration – Move from slave to sin to warrior against sin
  • I’m saved and cannot be unsaved. I know I need to pay attention to conviction and work through God
  • History of Reconciliation and Restoration. Prophecy of Reconciliation and Restoration. God picked us. He saved us, he glorified us. I get to live in the peace that comes from this
  • Thank God for Rufus. This is how God works
  • 12 Oct 2020
  • We don’t appreciate how guilty of sin we are until we appreciate the sacrifice of the cross
  • People who aren’t saved don’t care at all
  • Although I continue to sin, I’ll try to to feel guilty because I’m so grateful I’m forgiven
  • So much sin is fruits of the devil. Live in the Spirit producing fruits from God
  • I’m a sinner. I have to pray to God everyday to help me
  • Because we are forgiven, our sin is forgotten. It is the enemy that makes the guilt linger
  • You won’t go to hell if you question the Bible to learn its message
  • I didn’t recognize some of my sins as sin before I was saved. They tasted like cream, now they taste like rubbish
  • It is a sad world we live in today. The Word shows us sins keep repeating
  • Sin – repent, sin – repent, sin – repent…
  • If we use the power of the Spirit we would be in better shape
  • Because of grace, the Father sees Jesus, not this vile sinner
  • Christ paid the penalty. Two people cannot pay for the came crime. Therefore, I stand guiltless
  • The enemy doesn’t wear a red suit and carry a pitchfork. He arrives in a fine suit
  • I get Tourette’s when I watch the news. I don’t want this pollution in my mind, so I turn it off
  • The easiest sins to repent from are the obvious ones. There will be temptation. We will always mess up
  • We are like a frog in a kettle. We don’t recognize the water getting hotter
  • The devil made me do it. I am thankful Jesus paid the price for all of us here
  • Knowledge of heart is from God. Knowledge of mind is from the enemy. I like listening to my heart
  • I’m so glad to know I’m a sinner. If I didn’t know, I wouldn’t be saved
  • God save us from things that are too strong for us
  • I am re-crucifying Christ by holding onto the guilt of my sin
  • Read scripture so you know what is accurate
  • There are a lot of inaccurate influences on your life
  • Babylon is America. Judgement is coming
  • You have got to be careful what you read and hear. Measure against scripture
  • A lot of people are writing just to sell books
  • Celebrate Christmas in 2020 by doing something for people who have nothing. We don’t know what’s coming next year
  • Thank God he has a plan for our redemption
  • People who are passionate for the Lord are contagious
  • The gospel is full of cognitive dissonance
  • The truth is all the time.  It isn’t Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • There is hope for everybody
  • The enemy makes me afraid of saying something wrong.  Paul teaches us to say it anyway
  • Share the gospel sometimes is done when they see the change in myself
  • I am a filthy, ragged, lowly worm.  Come to my church
  • I am not good at cold calls.  My ego and pride kicks in. 
  • I don’t know every scripture but I know enough to glorify God
  • I feel so honored Jesus loves me so much
  • I am a student of the Bible. I am always learning
  • We don’t know how much time we have.  Share the gospel
  • Most of us are “uncomfortable” with the Bible
  • We don’t spent enough time teaching children about Christ
  • You don’t have to know every word of scripture to share the gospel.  You lived it
  • My power is made perfect in your weakness — God
  • God gives us faith to believe it all. "The Bible is everything or it is nothing"
    • The Bible is a promise, not a premise - Charla
  • Life is eternal. Will you spend eternity forgiven or unforgiven?
  • The Holy Spirit speaks in everyone's unique language
  • English is woefully inadequate compared to Greek
  • Every day we should renew our relationship with the Lord and the Word to help us overcome our fear of sharing the Gospel
  • It is better to internalize than memorize scripture
  • Learn the numbers so you can find scripture easily
  • Wanting to know God's word should motivate you to show up every week